Thursday, August 30, 2007

comsci HW

Overview of programming paradigms:
1.Object-oriented paradigm: (OOP) is a programming paradigm that uses "objects" and their interactions to design applications and computer programs. It is based on several techniques, including inheritance, modularity, polymorphism, and encapsularity. It was not commonly used in mainstream software application development until the early 1990s. Many modern programming languages now support OOP.

2.Functional paradigm
is a programming paradigm
that treats computation as the evaluation of mathematical functions and avoids state and data. It emphasizes the application of functions, in contrast with the imperative programming style that emphasizes changes in state.

3. Logic paradigm:
The logic paradigm is dramatically different from the other three main programming paradigms. The logic paradigm fits extremely well when applied in problem domains that deal with the extraction of knowledge from basic facts and relations. The logical paradigm seems less natural in the more general areas of computation.

4.Imperative paradigm:

The word 'imperative' can be used both as an adjective and as a noun. As an adjective it means 'expressing a command or plea'. In other words, asking for something to be done. As a noun, an imperative is a command or an order. Some programming languages, such as the object oriented language Beta, uses the word 'imperative' for commands in the language.

Evolution of programming languages:
First generation:
-Machine language
-Binary(1's and 0's)
Second generation:
Uses codes like A for add, MCV for move, and so on.
-Assembly language
Third generation:
continued the trend toward greater use of symbolic code and away from specifically instructing the computer how to complete an operation.
BASIC, COBOL, C and FORTRAN are examples of third-generation languages that use English and Assembly languages because it more closely resembles everyday human communication and understanding.
Fourth generation:
emphasizes what output results are desired rather than how programming statements are to be written.

Languages for accessing information in a database are often fourth-generation languages.
-examples include PowerBuilder, Delphi, Essbase, Forte, Focus, Powerhouse, SAS, and many others.
Fifth generation:
based around solving problems using constaints given to the program, rather than using an algorithm written by a programmer.

designed to make the computer solve the problem for you, unlike the fouth generation which are designed to build specific programs.

-Prolog, OPS5, and Mercury are the best known fifth-generation languages.

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